Friday, April 3, 2009

It's happening....

Maddie is teething. It started on Tuesday and I knew I was dreading it for a reason. Would you like to know what my life has been like for the last few days? Well, lucky for you I captured it in video! If you are a big fan of Schadenfreude (Google it, you probably are), then this is for you!

On lighter note, here are some memories from happier times.

Maddie and Daisy

Maddie and Abby. Maddie loves Abby, she is like a really cool new toy. Unfortunately, she hasn't quite learned that she can't pick up the new baby and fling her around like the rest of her toys. By the way, how awesome is it that Abby can smile like that at 5 weeks old!? She is so sweet!

Here's another example of Parenting Cliff's Notes from Andy. I asked him to get her ready for her bath, and he strips her and continues to play with her, naked on the couch. I wish he had gotten peed on. At least her clothes and dirty diaper are neatly stacked up on the couch to make it easier for me to pick them up later. There really isn't anything cuter than a naked baby, though, so I wasn't too mad.

I feel bad for posting that grouchy video, so here is a happy one.


Kate said...

That last one made me giggle =)

Hart, Party of Five said...

Bless her bones! You know she is just beside herself with the annoyance of those teeth coming in. I feel your pain!

Audra Lynn said...

Poor Maddie. Maybe Daisy can distract her from her teeth coming in.

The Newmans said...

Oh my gosh the last video is precious! What a cutie!